KiHS is looking for dedicated and enthusiastic educators to join our team.Keewaytinook Internet Highschool (KiHS) is an online highschool which allows students to remain in their home community while taking a rich variety of ministry inspected courses toward their high school diploma.
KiHS began as a pilot project for grade 9 students. In the first few years, only a handful of applied junior level courses were offered to a small number of communities, but over the next decade and more, KiHS has grown to include partnerships with 13 communities. Course offerings range from grade 9 to grade 12 in all streams (locally developed, applied, academic, workplace, college, or university preparation), and in all subject areas (English, math, science, native language, arts, technology, business, co-op, phys ed, humanities, Canadian and World studies). |
KiHS offers a multi-faceted teaching experience combining online instruction, in-class tutoring, land based and cultural activities, and Community engagement.
Students take all courses online (using the moodle platform) and have access to a Teacher in the KiHS classroom. Land Based and Cultural activities are an integral part of KiHS. Maintaining and strengthening connections to culture, land, and language promotes wellness in our students and the Communities we work with. KiHS has an administration team that works to support teachers and KiHS classrooms by organizing land-based learning and cultural activities, as well as assisting with retention challenges. The team includes a First Nation Student Success Retention Lead, a Special Education Teacher, Coop/PLAR Teacher, a Land-Based Learning Lead, a Graduation Coach, and 2 Wellness Workers. Administrative staff travel to communities regularly throughout the year.
A 'one room schoolhouse' experience
Each KiHS classroom is unique and reflects the Community within which it is situated. Classrooms are often stand-alone portables located close to the Elementary School, however, sometimes they are also located within Elementary Schools, in Community Centers, or in Band Offices.
Teachers work in these community classrooms to mentor students in their online courses. They are able to work one-on-one with students to support them in whatever course they are taking. Teachers also are responsible for teaching online asynchronous courses through the school year. For many teachers KiHS provides an opportunity to work in a 'one room schoolhouse'. KiHS teachers are encouraged to participate in the life of the Community. Although remote, many Communities are bustling with feasts, recreational events (don't forget bingo), and other gatherings.
Our student base is diverse and ranges from teenagers to grandparents.
KiHS caters to a broad range of students seeking to start, continue, or complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma
- Teenagers who have entered KiHS directly after graduating from Elementary School
- Teenagers who have left the Community to study but returned for either personal or academic reasons
- Adults who have re-entered the education system to finish their OSSD (often these students move through the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Program)
- Teenagers who have entered KiHS directly after graduating from Elementary School
- Teenagers who have left the Community to study but returned for either personal or academic reasons
- Adults who have re-entered the education system to finish their OSSD (often these students move through the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Program)